Monday, November 24, 2008

I usually do not go for Dooney & Bourke

...due to the fact that I see the linked DB'S in the hands of catty little 11 year old girls dressed in strictly Abercrombie kids and Limited Too. But this new "Hayden Clutch" from Hayden's new line has caught my eye. It's actually semi decent looking. It's probably the lion snap that tops it, but I would buy it...if it weren't $300.

It's not that I'm cheap, it's just, I think it's really stupid when people spend ridiculous amounts of money on stupid things, and especially when it's a T-Shirt, or something you could easily find at the GAP. Unless it's something truly, truly magical (ex. Marc Jacobs. Note: I do not own anything Marc Jacobs, but damn, he is a genius). All together it's a waste of money, I think. I mean, I could see if you were a successful business woman, or a successful woman in general wearing $3,000 coats, and $700 heels. There I suppose you have a little leeway because you earned it. But from my experience with going to a school filled with relatively wealthy families, I see people (kids, 14, 15, 16 years old) walking down the hall wearing ridiculously priced clothes, shoes, backpacks, Louis Vutton pencil cases. Fucking pencil cases. Even if they might be real, who the FUCK would pay $150 to carry around your 3 cent pencils is beyond me. I'm a thrifty kinda gal. But don't get me wrong, I really don't have anything personal against people who decide to throw their money (mostly parents to children) at that kind of stuff. I like my share of nice expensive things here and there; like a coat, or maybe a nice pair of heels. I just think kids who wear these kinds of clothes don't deserve it. I'm sure there are kids that actually do! But I'd say probably 75% of them got it from their parents. It's just seems a little over my head to me. 

Anyway, today I diagnosed myself of being an injured party of what's called an "oscular migraine". They suck. You go blind for about 20 minutes (not really, but your peripheral vision flickers) and then you get slammed with a whopping migraine all day. It's kinda good though, because for awhile I was convinced I had a brain tumor. So now thats crossed off the list.

I'm hoping to go to Goodwill today on a hunt for more sweaters. I'm wearing my black and blue one I got on my last Goodwill findings. It's like a huge hug. Warmth. Hopefully I'll find some good stuff, wish me luck!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

On this lovely day of mine,

I do nothing. I sit, and find new music, and study for the drivers test I know I'm going to fail. The only thing I know I'm going to accomplish today is going to work at 7 o'clock. Oh, and taking a shower later on.

My best friend is in New York City. She makes my life feel about 20x more exciting.

My Birthday party is tomorrow, and I was hoping for 6 inches of snow on the ground making it totally perfect, but I'll settle for 1/2. 

I'll find something to do. Oh - btw. No, nevermind. Bye.

Monday, November 17, 2008

I have a test tomorrow -

And FailWhale will soon come visit me with a FAIL.

No, but seriously, I haven't even read the book the quiz is on. AND supposedly SparkNotes is wrong. Grand. But AHH!!! I haven't blogged in forever! It's not like anyone reads my blog...

or do you?

I've been slave for the past couple weeks. No, really I have. I've been working in my new room non-stop. Really, I am being whipped. I just put my second coat of stain on my floors and prior to that, I had sanded them all the way down with the massive sander we rented at Lowes. (thx lowez!!1!) Bigger news tho - for reals.


Hooray! A couple friends and we're all going out for a lil' lunch. 16th! I cannot wait. I'm taking my knowledge test on my birthday (11/26, k?) and I'm really nervous. I'm actually petrified of driving. Even though I won't ACTUALLY be driving for a while...but it scares me. 

-SO- here's my latest fashion hunt.

(american apparel)

It wouldn't be such a HUNT if I could just FIND  a pair of acid wash jeans that don't stop at size 1! UGH, it makes me so angry. They are beautiful. These are also beautiful as well,

Pls send $$ n car 2 bi material itumz.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


I'm still alive. I just don't feel motivated to blog....

